Skygazers is an experiment of scifi-fantasy world-building through collaboration. The goal is to create and maintain a fictional narrative as a community using web3-technology.

The base components of the universe are the main characters (Monk, Warrior-Princess, Scientist, Droid) the locations, and the situations.

Out of these components, a collection of adventures and lore will be created by a self-governing community. The sum of all of this will be the world we know as Skygazers.


Filled to the brim with inspiration, the narrator distils the best of his story-telling ideas into a breathtaking adventure.

As a narrator...

  • you own a Skygazers NFT, depicting a character, on a world in a certain situation.
  • you are inspired by the combination of these elements: a story takes shape in your head.
  • you use the Skygazers-dapp to write out this story next to your NFT.
  • you submit the story to the community, so they can vote on accepting your story to the collection of adventures.
  • you see your story accepted, and is now readable for everyone on the Skygazers-website.

beCOME a narrator

Skills: Story-telling, imagination, authorship
Required: Skygazers NFT

visit dapp

FAQ about narratorship

lore is managed by lorists.
Burdened with the heavy duty of weaving a web of facts around our fiction, the lorist ties everything together.

As a lorist...

  • you own a Skygazer NFT, which makes you a member of the Skygazers-DAO.
  • you are fascinated by the totality of the Skygazers universe: background stories, names, characteristics, etc.
  • you actively vote on proposals about the lore.
  • you may create a proposal to edit a piece of lore or add one.

beCOME a Lorist

Skills: World-building, character-design, consistency
Required: DAO-membership (owning NFT)

visit dapp

FAQ about lorism

We can grow a self-governing community around our shared concepts using blockchain-technology.

If every role in the Skygazers universe plays its part, the mechanics should result into generating value.

This is how it all ties together.

The NARRATORS write their stories next to their NFT and submit it to be accepted the the collection of adventures. The DAO votes on it.

The DAO votes both on the stories becoming adventures, and on lore changes, to be a part of the Skygazers universe. Anyone in the DAO can create lore changes.

The collection of adventure and the lore is open to the public. So are the workings of the community btw, since it all runs on blockchain technology.

And this is how it can return value
to those who produce it.

From the collection of adventures (A) , a maker chooses an adventure (B) that inspires him to create a DPP, a derived product proposal (C). A DPP contains specific details that will later be used by the derived product contract factory (E.2) regarding requested budget and potential revenue division percentages.

The DAO votes on the proposal (D.1), and it passes (D.2). Upon the vote passing, the requested funds are released to the maker (E.1) and the derived product contract factory (E.2) creates a derived product contract, a DPC (G.2).

The maker uses the funds to create the derived product : any revenue that it generates (G.1) is received directly by its DPC (derived product contract) (G.2).

The maker uses the funds to create the derived product : any revenue that it generates (G.1) is received directly by its DPC (derived product contract) (G.2).

Makers make things.
Solidifying written words, makers enrich the experience by building upon the adventures, adding value to them and to the universe as a whole.

As a maker...

  • you own a Skygazer NFT, which makes you a member of the Skygazers-DAO.
  • you pick an adventure from the collection that inspires you to create a derived product.
  • you create a DPP (derived product proposal).
  • you received the funds requested in your DPP.
  • you are burden with the task of bringing this derived product into existence.
  • you benefit from a successful derived product that brings revenue to the DAO and to you personally.

beCOME a Maker

Skills: World-building, character-design, consistency
Required: DAO-membership (own Skygazers NFT)

visit dapp

FAQ about makerism

Every role counts,
big or small.



Putting money where the mouth is, a believer buys into the community without actively taking up any other role.



Happy with little, the enthusiast is a valued part of the community, hanging around by the metaphorical watercooler.