Skygazers was founded by Bennisan and Sponnet in the summer of 2021 . Motivated by their common love for innovation and a stronge urge to contribute to web3, they combined their skills in arts and tech to form the experiment called 'Skygazers'.

Our common mision is to use new technologies to build something new, to create something that didn't exist in the world before.

We didn't want to be just another NFT-project: the world isn't getting any better with yet another PFP, upon which some functionality is brute-forced after the facts. Sadly, there's too much of that going on.

When we were discussing the NFT-sprawl in the summer of 2021, the question "If we would ever create an NFT together, what would that look like?" did set in motion something of an elaborate brainstorm over the course of weeks, and a very pleasurable one at that. Admits a lot of laughs and a ton of fun, we did actually come up with a concept that we believe adds value to the world and the space, and has the ability to create something new and exciting. The structure of Skygazers can gather a solid community and channel a flow of creative energy, which can materialise in a unique scifi universe and experience, owned by its contributors.